For 20 years I have been managing woodlands to improve biodiversity. In many cases this involves the felling of trees to continue traditional management practices such as coppicing.
The bye product of this woodland management is large amounts of timber which depending on its age, size and state of decay can be turned into amazing pieces of art.
Timber resulting from coppicing can be small in diameter and can be turned on a lathe to make bowls whereas larger trees such as mature oak I have milled into planks to create benches.
The majority of the wood I use it that which I have felled myself, stacked and seasoned until ready for use.
When ready the timber is is either split by axe or milled using a portable sawmill or chainsaw attachment into planks ready to be converted into something unique.
Visit the shop for unique pieces that are available now, or contact me to commission a bespoke piece. Find out more about commissions here.